c. When you are finished, you may close your document and respond to any displayed
messages. Point the cursor on File; click once and then click on the word Close. Respond to
any questions MS Word displays on the screen.
d. If you choose to work on a document that has been closed, you may work on it again
by clicking File Open on the MS Word menu. You can also click the "Open" button on your
e. Select your file name from the Open dialog box shown, or type the file name in the
file name box. Click "OK. "Word opens your selected document.
7. What's New. What's New, is the second selection in the Microsoft Word tutorial. When the
task is complete, press the "Click Next" button on their screen.
Point the cursor on the menu item Help, then Quick Preview, then What's New. This is a
tutorial for Microsoft Word 6.0; The following information follows along with What's New
selection of the Quick Preview tutorial.
8. Welcome to Word for Windows.
a. AutoCorrect. MS Word can follow behind you silently as you type. Word corrects
your common typing errors automatically. AutoCorrect can--
(1) Change two initial capitals to one.
(2) Capitalize the first letter in days, such as Monday
(3) Turn straight quotes into smart quotes
(4) Capitalize the first letter of a sentence
b. You can also set your AutoCorrect feature to fix your typing errors. If you are typing
too fast and flip letters in your words.
c. Select Tools from the Word menu, then click on AutoCorrect. As an example, type
the misspelled word "lpan" in the Replace box and the word "plan" in the With box. That word,
along with other words you save in AutoCorrect, will automatically be replaced any time you
make that error. Consider your "plan" error a thing of the past.
9. AutoText. When you want to insert text repeatedly, this can save you a lot of time. For
example, if you type the same address over and over, you will never have to type the address
again. Select the text, then select Insert AutoText from the menu. (Drag your mouse over the
address, keeping your finger pressed on the left mouse button.) The next time you need the
address, just type the first two words, "blue sky." Press the "AutoText" button to fill in the rest.
AutoText can store paragraphs of text, clauses of contracts, and graphics.