(2) Close the feed valve and open the cleaning bypass valve. Close
the potable water shut-off valve and open the product utility hose valve.
Disconnect one
dispensing hose from the distribution pump and connect the auxiliary hose to
the pump. Pass the auxiliary hose through the doorway and connect it to the
clean/flush tank overflow hose. Press the distribution pump off pushbutton.
The selector switch on the distribution pump must be in the ON position in
order to control the pump from the switch panel inside the door. Now press
the distribution pump on pushbutton.
(4) Fill the clean/flush tank to the 50 gallon level.
Press the
distribution pump off pushbutton. Remove the chemical port cover and pour
in one small bag of bisulfite. Clean off any chemical that is in the port
opening and replace the chemical port cover.
(5) Press the distribution pump on pushbutton and fill the tank to
the top of the level gage. Press the distribution pump off pushbutton when
tank is full.
(6) You are ready to flush the system.
Fully open the system
Start the
booster pump and after flow is established, push start the high pressure
pump. Water will flush from the clean flush tank through system by-passing
the media filter until the high pressure pump and the booster pump stop.
(7) Have the crew perform bisulfite sanitizing cleaning procedures.
Bisulfite sanitizing cleaning is required as a mart of short- and long-term
shutdowns to a secured status to prevent bacterial growth within the RO
This procedure leaves the RO vessels full of sodium bisulfite
sanitizing solution. Drain only if the ROWPU will be subject to freezing.
c. When shutdown periods exceed two days, clean the hypochlorite tank
and pump as follows:
Wait until the level
drops below the mixer on the tank level gage and then turn the mixer switch
(2) Disconnect one dispensing hose from the distribution pump and
connect the auxiliary fill hose.
Pass the auxiliary hose through the
doorway and connect the flushing adapter to the hose end.