1. As the NCOIC of a water distribution point in a field environment, you have the responsibility to Ensure
that sufficient quantities of potable water are distributed to consuming units. Water is a critical support item for
the soldier. The water support mission is to get water to individual fighting positions. Water supply is provided
on an area basis by QM CSS units using supply point distribution and unit distribution when necessary. Water
storage policy depends on the environmental region. Where water sources can support water purification
operations. supported units need only to maintain water in organic water containers and optional equipment
from the CTAs. For a normal unit, this means maintaining enough water to get through today's operations.
Under these conditions, units must resupply water daily. Tactical units and their applicable divisional supply
and nondivisional water supply units will not normally be augmented with additional water purification,
storage, or distribution equipment. In arid regions, combat brigades divisions, and hospitals will be assigned
additional water storage and distribution equipment. This will ensure that one DOS is maintained in each
echelon level. GS storage and distribution systems are provided to maintain the required supply levels in
echelons above division.
2. There are several principal duties you must consider when planning for water distribution support to tactical
forces. They are:
Review mission water requirements.
Enforce preventive maintenance program objectives.
Provide expendable supplies.
Coordinate DS/GS maintenance support.
Conduct inspections of storage and distribution operations.
Monitor product water quality.
Monitor environmental stewardship program.
Develop schedules.
3. You will receive command guidance prior to the mission. You must review mission water requirements to
determine the total daily water distribution needs of the supported force.
a. Determine gallon-per-man-per-day water consumption using factors from FM 10-52. The specific
factor used is based on the echelon level of the supported units and the environment of the deployment. You
may be provided a command-established factor to use.
b. Estimate daily water requirements by multiplying the consumption factor by the number of soldiers
in the deploying force. Again, you may be provided a daily water requirement established by the command.
After the total daily demand has been determined, compute the equipment and storage requirements based on
the total daily requirement.
c. Compare the daily water distribution requirement to the distribution capability of your unit to
determine if a shortfall exists. If mission requirements cannot be met, inform DMMC/CMMC and request
additional required equipment and/or personnel.
d. Determine requirements for well-drilling support if needed. Remember tactical operations cannot be
dependent on water from new or unproved wells. Well-drilling is usually conducted during long-term
deployments in support of base operations.
e. Determine requirements for aerial delivery of water. If aerial support is needed, it must be identified
early in the planning phase. Determine the number of sorties required based on the capability of and/or
requirements for FAWPSS.