(3) Fill the tank using two soldiers, one on the water hose from the PWS/DS pump and one at the
(4) Fill the tank until pressure reaches 3 PSI, then tighten the belts with the ratchet handle.
(5) Resume filling the tank. Close the pressure gage valve and remove the gage when a final
pressure of 4 PSI minimum/6 PSI maximum is reached.
(6) When the SMFT is filled and secured for transport, the total gallons of water distributed will be
logged on DA Form 1714-R and the form signed by the convoy leader or truck driver. The convoy leader or
driver should be told to periodically check the belts for tightness. The belts should be tightened at least every
two hours.
c. Downloading a Full SMFT. Ensure your subordinates properly supervise downloading a full SMFT.
Soldiers must:
(1) Empty the SMFT tank by gravity or by pump.
(2) When emptying by gravity, use the natural terrain elevation when possible or use portable ramps
under the appropriate trailer wheels to raise the trailer.
(3) Use two soldiers when the tank is emptied by the 125-GPM pump or the 350-GPM pump. Use
one to operate the tank valve and one to operate the pump.
(4) Roll-up and leave the tank on the trailer to be filled again, or remove the tank if the trailer is to
be used for other purposes.
(5) Ensure the tank is cleaned as needed. Make sure the soldier is using the correct amount of
disinfectant and fresh water to make the cleaning solution. Once the solution is put in the tank, have the soldier
surge the tank by abruptly starting and stopping the truck. The resultant surge will clean or rinse the collapsed
tank without exposing its interior to contaminants or foreign objects. When the cleaning solution is drawn off,
close the tank valve immediately to hermetically seal out contaminants. Ensure the disinfectant solution is
disposed of properly. This solution may be considered hazardous material where you are operating and may
need to be blended or hauled off to a waste facility.
d. Repacking the SMFT. Ensure your subordinates properly supervise repacking the SMFT. Soldiers
(1) Remove the pressure gage.
(2) Disconnect and remove the hold-down kit ratchets.
(3) Fold the tank in half lengthwise and roll it up.
(4) Use the sling and forklift to pick up and place the SMFT back into it shipping box.
(5) Store the belts, pressure gage, ratchets, bolts, plates, and other miscellaneous items in the
shipping box. Pad the pressure gage to avoid damage.
6. Some units may have the M1098, potable water hardwalled tanker in their inventory. The M1098 tanker
does not have to be transported empty or full. This gives the unit a tremendous