through the base terminal storage facility, where it is distributed to other terminals within the COMMZ and
forwarded into the corps rear area by the TWDS.
2. The TWDS is intended for operation by a water supply company or tactical water distribution team. The
system consists of quick-laying fabric water hose lines, pumps, fittings, hypochlorination units, pressure-relief
valves, pressure-reducing valves, road crossing guards, and aerial suspension kits. The system can pump up to
600,000 gallons per day. Each TWDS is packaged with all items of equipment needed to setup and operate 10
miles of hose line. Along the hose-line, water may be stored in two 20,000-gallon collapsible fabric tanks,
chlorinated and distributed to users, or used to supply another PWS/DS. The mission of the tactical water
distribution team is to lay, operate, and retrieve the TWDS. These teams normally augment a water supply
company to supplement that unit's bulk water distribution capability in a general support role. The system
comes with six 600-GPM pumps. Each pump can push water two miles across level terrain. The TWDS
transports potable water across level terrain for distances up to 10 miles. One pump is used as a spare. If the
mission requires the water to be pushed more than 10 miles, several TWDS can be connected in series to meet
mission requirements.
3. You are the assistant detachment NCOIC of a general support quartermaster tactical water distribution team
assigned to a water supply company. Your mission is to set up 9 miles of hose line which will provide
distribution support for the water supply company.
4. The NCOIC has briefed the team. The TWDS will be operating as part of a large system pushing water
forward to a 800,000-gallon PWS/DS. The system is expected to be operating for 90 days. The route has been
selected and a ground profile has been completed. The pump station locations have been determined. The route
selected requires the use of three road crossings, one aerial suspension bridge, two storage and distribution
points, one pressure reducing valve, and five pumping stations.
5. Check that all 10-level soldiers under your supervision know, understand, and follow the performance
measures in Evaluation Guide 101-540-1046, 101-540-1048, 101-540-1055, and 101-540-1066 from STP 10-
77W14-SM-TG when operating the 600-GPM pump and TWDS. Check that all 20-level soldiers under your
supervision know, understand, and follow the performance measures in Evaluation Guide 101-540-2016, 101-
540-2022, 101-540-2025, 101-540-2033 from STP 10-7W14-SM-TG when operating the 600-GPM pump and
6. Make sure all the soldiers under your supervision know and understand their responsibilities under the
environmental stewardship program. Ensure all your personnel have had environmental awareness training.
Ensure the soldiers are familiar with unit SOPs and supervise their compliance with the laws and regulations
7. Monitor the following procedures to ensure your subordinates properly supervise TWDS 10-mile segment
hose line installation.
a. Use the vicinity of the installation site for the lead pumping station as the staging area for the
unpacking, inventory, and inspection operation. Transport all equipment that needs to be installed to its
respective installation site so that installation can occur in conjunction with the hose line laying operation. The
10-mile segment includes all of the components necessary to install and operate the TWDS. This equipment
includes the 500-foot length of hose line in flaking boxes, sling assembly suspension kits, road crossing guards,
pressure-reducing valve, suction hose assemblies, and miscellaneous fittings required to install the 10-mile
segment. This also includes the displacement and evacuation kit, packing kit, repair kit and the spare parts
b. Have the soldiers identify the crates containing the components of the 10-mile segment. The crates
are plainly marked. The one crate marked "SPARE PARTS - 10-MILE SEGMENT,"