d. During EAT operations, ensure personnel working beneath the hovering helicopter wear personal
protective equipment. Ground personnel who inadvertently encounter high velocity rotor wash should drop to a
sitting or prone position to keep from being injured. When working below the helicopter, do not move to the
rear of the aircraft because the tail rotor or tail boom may descend low enough to strike personnel causing injury
or death.
e. Remind the hookup crew that helicopters are susceptible to high levels of stored static electrical
energy. Severe electrical shock may result from improper grounding of the cargo hook system.
f. Position and prepare the cargo for sling loading.
g. Ensure the hookup operation is performed according to procedures.
h. Ensure the release and derigging operation is performed according to procedures at the receiving
10. Monitor the following procedures to ensure your subordinates properly supervise FAWPSS operations.
Soldiers must:
a. Ensure all components for one entire FAWPSS are on hand.
b. Position the drums and set up the FAWPSS.
d. Perform before-operations PMCS.
e. Prime the pump and start the centrifugal pump engine.
f. Test each of the four distribution nozzles.
g. Perform during-operations PMCS.
h. Before dispensing to a customer, run water through the hose to flush out any foreign matter.
11. Monitor the following procedures to ensure your subordinates properly supervise disassembly and
repackaging FAWPSS. Soldiers must:
a. Perform after-operations PMCS prior to equipment disassembly.
b. Disassemble the FAWPSS in the reverse order of assembly.
c. Prior to repackaging all hose assemblies, drain, dry, and then cap and plug.
d. Drain, collapse, and fold the water storage and dispensing drums.
1. In areas where direct support water systems are not capable of providing enough water supply, general
support units provide this capability. Purified water is introduced into the water distribution system from
purification points located on and off shore. Water enters the system