planned or an immediate mission. When planning for an aerial delivery, you will have to provide equipment
data. Make sure you accurately determine and report the load's weight to the air crew. Loads that you report
inaccurately could cause the pilot to lose control of the aircraft. The drum weighs approximately 4,300 pounds
full and 300 pounds empty. The drum's volume is approximately 70 cubic feet. The 125-GPM pump has a
shipping weight of 146 pounds and a volume of 6.4 cubic feet. The maximum capacity for helicopter cargo
hook systems depend on the design and model designation. Helicopter maximum external load capabilities will
vary due to environmental conditions and helicopter performance. Check with the aviation unit as to the aircraft
maximum load capacity for a particular mission.
4. The selection of a usable landing site is extremely important. An LZ is an area used for helicopter landing
operations. A landing site is an area within a LZ that contains one or more landing points. Logistical and
tactical considerations must be analyzed and taken into account to ensure that the landing sites are located at the
best place to support the mission. The area must also be accessible to the aircraft that are going to use the site.
The supported or receiving unit commander, in coordination with the aviation liaison officer, if available,
selects and prepares the landing sites. The aviation unit liaison officer or the pilot makes the final decision
concerning minimum requirements or suitability of the sites.
5. As the NCOIC of an operation water distribution point in a field environment, you have the requirement to
issue and distribute water. One of the pieces of equipment you have assigned to your unit is the FAWPSS.
6. Check that all 10-level soldiers under your supervision know, understand, and follow the performance
measures in Evaluation Guide 101-540-1056 and 101-540-1051 from STP 10-77W14-SM-TG when operating
the 125-gpm pump and FAWPSS. Check that all 20-level soldiers under your supervision know, understand,
and follow the performance measures in Evaluation Guide 101-540-2009, 101-540-2012, 101-540-2030 from
STP 10-77W 14-SM-TG when operating the 125-GPM pump and FAWPSS.
7. Make sure all the soldiers under your supervision know and understand their responsibilities under the
environmental stewardship program. Ensure all your personnel have had environmental awareness training.
Ensure the soldiers are familiar with unit SOPs and supervise their compliance with the laws and regulations.
8. One of your sections has been tasked to provide water support to an isolated combat unit that requires aerial
delivery of water. You provide them with the location of the unit and the daily water requirements. Today will
be the first day your soldiers are to make delivery using the FAWPSS. You have coordinated for aerial support.
Both of the LZs have been selected, prepared, and approved. All other mission responsibilities have been
9. Monitor the following procedures to ensure your subordinates properly supervise HEAT operations of the
FAWPSS. Soldiers must:
a. Ensure that all personnel involved with helicopter EAT operations have been properly trained,
especially in the areas of safety and rigging.
b. Brief all personnel involved with the mission thoroughly on their duties and responsibilities.
c. Before the LZ is to be used, have the soldiers check that the site is cleared of any loose materials or
debris to prevent it from being blown into the ground crew or rotor blades, or drawn into the helicopter's engine.