the schedule as well as guidelines for breaks. The work schedule identifies the NCOIC of each of the two 12-
hour shifts, as well as all of the soldiers assigned as operators on each shift.
b. Maintenance schedules ensure equipment, the second most important resource, is maintained in
operational condition. Each piece of equipment has TMs that identify the maintenance checks and services
required on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis that you can use to help program scheduled maintenance.
Using those PMCS and maintenance allocation charts contained in the TMs, schedule necessary maintenance.
Take into account the level of maintenance and the estimated time required. Do not schedule water
issue/distribution during maintenance times. You should ensure all storage tanks are full when performing
c. You are responsible for preparing an issue schedule. The schedule will ensure timely and efficient
issue of water to supported units. Acquire as much intelligence as possible about location and troop strength of
supported units. Multiply the troop strength times the applicable consumption factors to determine the
estimated consumption rate of each unit. Then compare locations of the supported units and schedule the units
nearest the storage and distribution point to receive water first. Draft a DA Form 1714-R indicating the time,
the unit, and the estimated amount of water to be issued. Use the issue log to draft a memorandum for the
commander. After the memorandum has been signed by the commander, distribute it to the supported unit in
advance to ensure sufficient time for planning.
d. Distributing water is another important responsibility you may have depending on the type of
operation and your location in the theater of operations. In an arid theater of operations, water is distributed
from a production or storage site to another storage site. Usually the supporting GS water unit will deliver from
water purification or storage sites by either hose line or SMFTs. Many vehicles will be coming to and going
from the water distribution point. Provisions must be made for this traffic. To solve these problems and
equally distribute the water movement workload, you must set up water distribution schedules. Schedules
eliminate confusion and loss of time that may result if dispatch or receipt of water occur at the same times.
Draft a DA Form 1714-1-R scheduling the times, the units, and the estimated amount of water to be received or
dispatched. Then use this distribution log to draft a distribution schedule memorandum for the commander,
indicating all the necessary information. After the commander signs the memorandum, distribute the
memorandum to the supported and supporting units in advance to ensure sufficient time for planing.
1. The 5,000-gallon SMFT is used during arid deployments by transportation medium truck companies for line
haul of potable water to and from TA and/or corps GS PWS/DSs. as well as some local haul to corps and EAC
users that have no organic transportation capability. These tanks are transported on M872, 34-ton semitrailers.
DS water supply units use the 3,000-gallon SMFT to deliver water to major users. Additionally, transportation
medium truck companies use these tanks during arid deployments for line haul of potable water from the corps
GS PWS/DS to the division and brigade support area's PWS/DSs. These tanks are transported on M871, 22-ton
semitrailers. The 3,000-gallon SMFT is also used for unit distribution in division and brigade areas when the
receiving unit can accept, and needs, the complete 3000-gallon load.
2. When you plan the support mission, review the locations of the supported units. If you identify units that
are a good distance away from the distribution point or a unit that is a major consumer, such as a hospital, you
may want to consider establishing a dry point in the area using the SMFT. Also if supported units have no
organic transportation or if water is to be issued at a Class I ration breakdown point that is not collocated with a
water point, use the SMFT to set up a dry point to