Close the seven drain valves and all RO vessel sample valves.
Open the five vent valves.
- Check that the backwash valve is in the normal position and regulate
product flow valve is fully open.
- Check that the switches
cleaning switch are off.
Ensure all chemical feed pump valves are in prime position.
- Check that the drain valves on the raw water pumps are closed and
prime raw water pumps.
Apply power to the ROWPU.
Start raw water pump number 1.
- Start raw water pump number 2 when the cotton hose from pump 2
expands with water.
Check raw water flow gauge for 27-33 GPM.
Start chemical feed pump and check that it is primed.
- Calibrate the polymer feed setting.
For low turbidity, adjust
setting to 1.0 and calibrate feed at 20 ml per minute.
For noticeable
turbidity, adjust setting to 2.6 and calibrate feed at 60 ml per minute.
Set polymer to run.
- Calibrate the sodium hexametaphosphate and chlorine feed setting at
2.6 and 60 ml per minute.
- Close multimedia, cartridge filter, and pulse dampener vents. Open
vent multimedia. When a steady flow of water is observed from vent tube,
close vent multimedia and open vent cartridge filter.
- Start boost pump. When a steady flow of water is observed from vent
tube, close vent cartridge filter and open vent pulse dampener.
- Reset low pressure switch. Start high pressure pump. When a steady
flow of water is observed from vent tube, close vent pulse dampener.