are permanent records as described in Appendix B of AR 25-400-2 and will not be maintained as
a part of library collections or manuscript collections in libraries or museums. When extra
copies are maintained, they will be distinctly marked "LIBRARY COPY" or "MUSEUM
k. Suspense Files. Suspense files are used as reminders that an action is required by a given
date. File numbers need not be used on file folders or containers in which suspense documents
are kept. Some samples of suspense files include a note to submit a report or take some other
action, or an outgoing communication filed by the date on which a reply is expected. In the first
example the note would be destroyed after the report is submitted or the action is taken. In the
second example, when the reply is received, the communication is withdrawn and filed (if it is
the record copy) or destroyed (if it is an extra copy).
l. Lists of File Numbers. Office personnel prepare lists of file numbers for the convenience
of files personnel and action officers. These lists are also used by the IMs to ensure that the
records identify and document the business of the office, and to identify permanent and long-
term records for transfer or retirement. These lists will contain the MARKS file number,
description, the Privacy Act systems notice from DA PAM 25-51, and media identification
(paper, tape, electronic, microform). Office personnel will keep the lists current by making
changes as file numbers are added or deleted. IMs will review each list or change and approve
the implementation of those that accurately identify the records of the office concerned. Note the
table below:
Sample of a list of file numbers
Privacy Act
System Notice
Title/brief description
Office Inspection and Survey IG Inspection Reports
Office Organization Files
TDA, personnel, manpower, other related information
Supervisory or Manager
Employee Record Files SF-7B for civilian personnel assigned to the
Reference Publications
Copies of ARs, PAMs, and so forth
Training Operations Files
Information on planning and conducting general training
Target Practice Safety Files
Firing safety measures, area involved, and so forth
m. MARKS File Numbers. The MARKS file numbers listed in Appendix B of AR 25-
400-2 identify documents for filing, reference, and legal disposition authority. A file number
corresponds to the number of the directive prescribing the creation and maintenance of that
particular record. An alphabetical suffix is added to the file number to distinguish several
records prescribed by a single directive. For example, records prescribed by AR 380-5 are
identified by file numbers 380-5a, 380-5b, 380-5c, and so on. The general correspondence
number in each basic series is the only file number that does not contain an alphabetical suffix.
These general correspondence numbers are identified only by the series number and documents