The following items will test your knowledge of the material covered in this lesson. There is only one correct
answer for each item. When you complete the exercise, check your answers with the answer key that follows. If
you answer any items incorrectly, go back to the part of the lesson that contains the information involved and
study again.
1. What is commingling of fuel?
A. The accidental mixing of different types of fuel during storage or transportation, or from refueling
vehicles or equipment with the wrong fuel.
B. The condensation, leakage, or seepage of ground water into underground storage tanks.
C. The accumulation of sediment at the fuel and water interface in fuel tanks with water bottoms.
D. None of the above.
2. What does organic sediment primarily consist of?
A. Deterioration of products of fuel and of microbiological debris.
B. Metal and rust particles.
C. Siliceous material.
3. When evaluating the QCP at a bulk petroleum storage facility, which of the following should be completed
B. Sampling batches or lots of petroleum products received or stored.
C. Investigating losses of Government-owned products caused by accident or mishap while in the custody
of a contractor.
D. Inspecting storage tanks for roof leaks.
4. When evaluating the QCP at a bulk petroleum storage facility, when should you facilitate the preparation of
SF 361?
A. When the contractor's testing laboratory, designated facility, or calibration program proves inadequate.
B. When Government-owned petroleum products are received at a contractor's facility in an improper
condition and the cause of the condition is attributable to causes incident to shipping.
C. When tanks being used to store petroleum products are inadequate for their intended purpose.
D. When losses of Government-owned products caused by accident or mishap while in the custody of a
contractor are investigated.
5. What are PQDRs used for?
A. To evaluate the IQUE at a bulk storage facility.
B. To identify the source of contamination for ground mobility fuel.
C. To evaluate contractor performance under Best Value.
D. To inspect storage tanks and filtering devices.
QM 5182