Verify that the contractor complies with the contractor's quality control program, IAW DLAM 8200.1, for
the following contractor operations:
- Addition of
approved blending components.
- Sampling batches or lots of petroleum products received or stored.
- Verification of the adequacy of the contractor's testing laboratory or designated facility, to include
- Control of terminal pipelines, manifold connections, or valves used to convey product to the final
- Inspection of containers for cleanliness and suitability to receive product prior to filling or loading.
- Adequacy of procedure for sealing containers and recording of serial numbers on records and
shipping documents, when applicable.
- Determination of quantities.
- Completion and submission of required forms and reports.
- Prompt notification to consignee on all tank car and railcar shipments, including grade of product,
date of shipment, car and seal numbers, bill of lading number, and bet quantity.
- Inspection of product rotation procedures.
- Verify inventory process for Government-owned petroleum products.
Certify the accuracy of the inventory data and agree or disagree in writing with the contractor's
stated cause(s) of losses/gains.
Witness the contractor's inventory IAW intervals outlined in AR 715-27 (if acting as a cognizant
- Witness inventory of foreign government and NATO held storage facilities that are under
Memorandum of Agreement or country-to country agreements according to the terms of the
memorandum or agreement.
- Investigate losses of Government-owned products caused by accident or mishap while in the custody
of a contractor. Forward a detailed factual report to the accountable activity and the contracting
Inspect storage tanks and filtering devices.
- Verify that tanks being used to store petroleum products are adequate for their intended purpose.
Tanks will meet the following criteria:
Sound in structure.
Free of roof leaks.
Floating roof tanks will be equipped with roof drains that do not spill water into the product being
Have provisions for control of water bottoms, where permitted.
- Verify that the contractor maintains filtering devices in tank cars, tank trucks, and small container
filling lines to guard against rust, scale, and sediment being carried over into shipping containers.
Facilitate the preparation of SF 361, Transportation Discrepancy Report, when Government-owned
petroleum products are received at a contractor's facility in an improper condition and the cause of the
condition is attributable to causes incident to shipping.
- Check shipments to determine the extent of the damage, shortage, and the cause, if possible.
- Submit all pertinent information to the designated accountable activity.
QM 5182