2-3. DA Form 3032
DA Form 3032 is the basic multipurpose document that is used to account for
meals that are served. Refer to the following paragraphs for a discussion of the
procedures to use to complete this form.
Allow one-line entries under the following conditions:
One-line entries
Under emergency conditions of disaster and civil order.
During troop movement by means of motor convoy.
For military prisoners who are confined in U.S. Army confinement facilities.
NOTE: The individuals in charge of prisoners enter and verify the prisoner
headcount on DA Form 3032 by category. For example, categories might include
Marines. Air Force, and AA. Other diners who use the facility individually sign
the proper forms for the meal entitlement categories which apply to them.
The installation commander may authorize one-line entries at the installation
One-line entry
personnel control facilities and reception stations. However, the individual who is
designated to sign for the group must take the personnel to the dining facility as a
group. This individual must have the grade of E4 or above. Personnel who arrive
at the dining facility on an individual basis use the regular individual headcount
accounting procedure.
One-line entries also may be authorized for other activities. However, these one-
line entries may be authorized only during meals when a designated individual
takes personnel to the dining facility as a group. The designated individual makes
the one-line entry for the group. The installation commander approves the use of
one-line entries for the following activities:
AA NCO academies and officer candidates schools (OCS) and warrant officer
candidate (WOC) schools.
Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) cadets and students who re-enrolled
in the ROTC basic camps.
Students at the U.S. Military Academy (USMA) Preparatory School.
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