and plate waste; and discussion of
serving methods and their effect on
food conservation.
Gasoline lantern
Operation, care and maintenance,
FM 10-23
including troubleshooting and safety
Appendix A
measures of the gasoline lantern.
Rotational Assignments.
a. Give your soldiers rotational assignments and cross training in the dining facility and
field. In this way, workers will receive training in more than one area.
b. Set an attainable standard of what a first-class worker can do in a specified time by
using the one best way. If your SOP does not give the standards for organizing the training
program, get them from the food advisor. Newly assigned workers may not be able to meet all
the requirements of a particular standard. Explain to them that as soon as they learn the job, they
will be expected to meet the time limits of the standard.
c. Inspect the trainee's work. If they do a good job, tell them. If not, make sure they get
more instruction to help them do a better job next time.