Enter the initial pH reading of the raw water and the pH of the product water. Continue to test
the water at least every two hours and every time a significant event occurs that would effect pH.
Enter the chlorine residual reading taken from the product water after at least 30 minutes contact
time. Repeat at 30 minute intervals. Also note a temperature reading of the water.
The "Remarks" block can be used to describe why production was halted or any significant event
that affects water production.
By entering the total amounts of chemicals used and on hand at the beginning and ending of each
shift, you will be able to identify problems encountered by the description of discrepancies or supplies
received in the "Remarks" block.
DA Form 1713-R. Part II.
The following is guidance on completing Part II of DA Form 1713-R (Figure 3-3). These columns will
give you a flow rate and operating pressures within the ROWPU. These readings should be made hourly
throughout the shift to monitor the operational condition of the ROWPU. This side of the form also
allows you to compute the total gallons of product water purified by the shift. The bottom of the form is
used as a daily inventory of POL. By knowing the POL and chemical quantities per day, you will be
able to order supplies before you run out.
By entering the times the ROWPU was started and shut down, you can identify the number of
hours the ROWPU was in operation per day.