2-4. DD Form 1544, Continued
One of the following commanders appoints. In writing, the installation control
Appointment of
officer for DD Form 1544. He also appoints the installation control officer's
control officer
Installation commander for AA units.
MUSARC commander for USAR units.
State adjutant general (AG) for ARNG units.
The installation control officer may not be the installation fond officer. the TISO,
or members of their staffs. The alternate control officer acts in the temporary
absence of the control officer.
The control officer exercises responsibility for requisitioning and receiving DD
Control officer
Form 1544 books. He requisitions and receives them from the installation, the
state, or the MUSARC publications officer according to AR 25-30. He accounts
for the DD Form 1544 book in a register (book or memorandum). The register
contains the following data:
DD Form 1544 book serial number.
Cash collection sheet numbers in the book.
Date of receipt from the publications officer.
Date of issue to a consolidated headquarters or unit.
Date of return of the completed book.
The control officer also makes correction to the Cash Meal Payment Book,
Other control
when it contains minor printing errors. For example. he can correct the error of
officer duties
having two pages with the same number or the error of having blurred numbers.
The procedures the control officer uses to make these corrections are as follows:
Complete the correction in ink by running a line through the incorrect
Enter the correction and initial and date the entry.
Prepare a memorandum reflecting the book number and the changes that
have been made.
Continued on next page