8. Hand-receipt annex procedures.
a. When an item that has components is issued on a hand receipt, any nonexpendable and
durable component shortages must be recorded and placed on order. The primary hand receipt
holder (PHRH) documents all component shortages less expendable consumable to the"user" on
a component hand receipt and is responsible for ordering these items. Use a hand receipt annex
to record the shortages. Prepare the annex using either blank or preprinted DA Forms 2062. The
preprinted forms are published in conjunction with selected TMs. Available preprinted DA
Forms 2062 are identified in DA Pam 25-30 by the letters "HR" after the publication number.
Consider the number of shortages when choosing the form to use as an annex. When there are
only a few shortages, it is better to use a blank DA Form 2062. If there are a lot of shortages, use
the preprinted version. When a blank DA Form 2062 is used, only the items short need to be
b. Hand receipt annexes are prepared at the level where the document registers are kept. The
PBO records nonexpendable/durable component shortages for hand receipt holders. Hand receipt
holders will record all component shortages less expendable consumable i.e., cloth, string, paper,
cheesecloth, sandpaper, ink, for subhand receipt holders. Normally, replenishment of
consumable will be a responsibility of the hand receipt holder. The PBO,commander, or S-4
depending on who keeps the expendable/durable document register, records durable component
shortages. The person responsible for keeping document registers (PBO, commander, or S-4)
will validate component shortages. They do this by initialing and dating the "quantity" column of
DA Form 2062 after the last entry. Note: It is "recommended" that the person issuing the
shortage annex also enter the document number of the request on which shortage items have
been ordered in block b. This will assure the customer that items have been placed on order, and
simplify the reconciliation process between both parties.
c. Prepare hand receipt annexes in two copies. The preparer keeps the original; the hand or
subhand receipt holder keeps the copy. File hand receipt annexes with the related hand or
subhand receipt. Figure 6-1, DA Pam 710-2-1, gives instructions for preparing DA Form 2062 as
a hand receipt annex.
d. Keep hand receipt annexes current. Do this by posting changes as they occur or by using
change documents. When change documents are used, follow the procedures in paragraph 5-3d.
When all shortages listed on the hand receipt annex are filled, remove from the file and destroy.