d. When a hand receipt holder leaves the area for a period in excess of 30 calendar days (i.e.
TDY, leave or extended detached duty) it is strongly recommended that a temporary hand receipt
holder be appointed. A joint inventory will be conducted upon departure and return of the hand
receipt holder.
5. Temporary Hand Receipt Procedures. Permanent hand receipt holders of one unit will not
loan items to member of another unit unless approval is obtained from the owning PBO. If
equipment is not required for mission accomplishment, action will be taken to change the
applicable Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDAs) IAW AR 71-13. When property is
issued or loaned for periods up to 30 calendar days, the following procedures may be used:
a. Prepare DA Form 3161 as a temporary hand receipt.
b. Prepare a folder for filing temporary hand receipts. File the original copies in date
c. Destroy both copies of temporary hand receipts when the property is returned.
d. Review the temporary hand receipt file daily to find any that are due to expire in the near
future. Within 5 days prior to expiration of the temporary hand receipt, take the following
e. Notify the hand receipt holder and arrange for return of the property not later than the
expiration date. Destroy all copies of the hand receipt when the property is returned.
If the person still needs the property, issue it using hand receipt procedures.
6. Inventory List Procedures. Inventory List procedures are used when the PBO or responsible
officer finds that it is impractical to further assign responsibility for property to another person.
(i.e. Shift operations, multi-use classroom, or large support equipment). When inventory lists
are used, the following procedures apply:
a. Prepare a DA Form 2062 in two copies, as an inventory list. The responsibile officer
keeps the original copy. Copy two is kept in the area where the property is located and placed
where it can be easily seen.
b. Mark the property so that a person unfamiliar with it can easily identify it.
c. The responsible officer will include in the unit SOP instructions for people working in the
room or area where the property is located, instruction for reporting property moved from one
location to another and any restrictions the responsible officer wants to include.
d. Inventory the property at least semi-annually. This inventory will be made by the
responsible officer. After the inventory, enter the inventory quantity in the next unused quantity
column of DA Form 2062.
7. Authorization to Receipt for Equipment (DA Form 1687). DA Form 1687 is used when an
accountable person wants to designate personnel as an authorized representative to request
and/receive supplies requiring accountability at the user level. Only the responsible/accountable
officer or persons authorized will sign for property. Authorized representatives are required to
have valid identification. Keep DA Form 1687 current.