Enter an "X" for issue in the Issue field.
Number sheets consecutively in Sheet No. field.
Enter total number of sheets included in this request in the Number of Sheets field.
In field number 1, enter the name and address of the SSA.
In field number 2, enter the name of the unit making the request.
In field number 3, enter the document number assigned to the request from the document
register. The document number is the DODAAC, Julian date, and serial number.
7. In field number 4, enter the project code if assigned (otherwise, leave blank).
8. In field number 5, enter the required date of materiel requested or leave blank.
9. Leave field number 6 blank.
10. In field number 7, enter the priority designator.
11. In field number 8, enter cost detail accounting information as required.
12. In field number 10, enter the authorizing publication.
13. In field number 12a, enter the item number, in sequence, for each item requested.
14. In field 1b, enter the stock number for each item requested.
15. In field number 12c, enter one or two words that describe each item requested.
nter the words "Last Item" after last entry.
16. In field 12d, enter the unit of issue of each item requested.
17. In field 12e, enter the quantity of each item requested.
18. In field 12f, enter the proper issue code from the form.
19. Leave field 12g blank. The person signing for the receipt of the items will complete the entry
in ink.
20. In field number 13, the requesting individual will print name and date and sign this block,
including rank.
21. In field number 15, the person signing for issued items will print name and date and sign this
block, including rank.
4. Review Hand Receipt (DA Form 2062). The commander having assumed responsibility of
unit property appoints primary hand receipt holders. The primary hand receipt holders will
ensure that all property is inventoried and listed on DA Form 2062 prior to signing. DA Form
2062s are prepared IAW DA Pam 710-2-1. Subhand receipts will be prepared by the primary
hand receipt holders. There is no restriction on the number of times property can be subhand
receipted, but under normal circumstances, it should not exceed 2 (from the commander to the
supervisor to the user). Hand and Subhand Receipts should be kept current. This is done by
posting changes as they occur or by using change documents. When change documents are used,
the following procedures apply:
a. Use DA Form 3161 for issue and turn-in transactions between Property Book Officer
(PBO) and the hand receipt holder. Use this form for issue and turn-in transactions between the
hand receipt holder and subhand receipt holder. The form is prepared in two copies. The
original is kept by the person who issues or turns in the item. The person receiving the property
keeps the second copy.
b. Post change documents to hand or subhand receipts at least every 6 months. The 6-month
period is based on the date of the oldest change document.
c. When a hand receipt holder is replaced, all property listed on the hand receipt will be
inventoried. The inventory will be accomplished before the new hand receipt holder assumes
responsibility for the property.