b. Select the menu option which allows you to create the Cash Turn-in Voucher. The
system will then require you to choose whose signature block you wish to appear on the voucher.
After your selection, you will have a Cash Collection Entry Form.
c. After you have made your entries and before you enter the Cash Meal Payment Book
number, check your entries carefully. If you find a mistake, press delete and start over. Once this
form starts printing, you cannot stop it and make a correction. The voucher is printed and the
dollar amounts you entered are deleted from the database files.
d. You have completed you Cash Collection Voucher, verified entries and cash, and turned
it in to the person who is going to turn it into the FAO. When he returns from the FAO, you will
be given a copy of the Cash Turn-in Voucher. You will then be required to return to your
AFMIS system to "close out" the process. Select the menu option which allows you to do this.
e. When you update the Cash Turn-In Voucher, you are recording information from
vouchers you turn in to the FAO. This information can be reviewed by the Installation Food
Advisor (IFA). The first entry you must make is the voucher number of the voucher that has
been turned in and verified by the FAO. You will then be able to "close out" your voucher by
entering specific information.
32. Summary. In this lesson you learned the proper steps in the meal planning, support, and
control processes by learning how to navigate AFMIS. You also learned about the menus and
sub-menus in AFMIS that are used for menu planning, meal production, headcount review and
reports, various forms associated with headcount procedures and how to handle cash received for
meals. This will enable you to better support soldiers by being a better trained FOS.