a. The commander having operational control over the dining facility can appoint a
responsible individual to receive cash meal payment sheets and prepare turn-in documents for
the cash collected from the sale of the meals.
b. Under no circumstances will the food advisor or FOS be authorized to receive DD Form
1544 books, turn in cash, or have access to the combinations of the secured containers.
c. When DD Form 1544 sheets are issued to the headcounter for use outside the dining
facility, the FOS will use the DA Form 3546-R (Control Record for Dining Facility - DD Form
1544) to record the issue.
d. All data on top of DD Form 1544 will be completed by the FOS and signed by the unit
commander. The DD Form 1544 and cash will be turned in to the FSO or the designated
individual. When a cash turn-in is made by the FSO or designated individual to the FAO or the
consolidated headquarters on a DA Form 1131 (Cash Collection Voucher), the FAO voucher
number of the turn-in document will also be entered in the register on the applicable line and
e. The DD Form 1544 book will be completed by the officer to whom the book has been
issued or transferred using the Transfer Control and Receipt #2 and 3.
f. When unused sheets are to be turned in, they must be "lined out" from top-left to
bottom-right corners. They must also be marked "Not Used" and signed by the unit commander
or the FSO.
26. Cash Turn-in Procedures. All cash collected from the sale of meals will be turned in as
a. The FOS to the FSO or designated representative as each cash collection sheet is
b. By the FSO or designated representative when the funds on-hand, exclusive of the
authorized change fund, reach 0. These funds must be turned in to the FAO or agent officer
or consolidating headquarters. For dining facilities with unusually large cash collections, the
0 limitation may be increased by the MACOM or installation commanders, MUSARCS, and
State Adjutant General for Active Army, USAR, and ARNG units respectively. Funds collected
on-hand at the close of each month will be turned in to the FAO or agent officer.
c. When all 50 sheets in the DD Form 1544 book have been used, funds will be turned in
to the FAO within two working days. The book and one copy of all voucher deposit documents
(DD Form 1131) will then be turned in to the control officer. The control officer will verify that
all forms are accounted for, that cash turn-in vouchers are attached, and that Section III for the
book has been completed.
d. Whenever there is a change in the FSOs, the unit commander will authorize a new FSO
on a DD Form 577 (Signature Card) for the receipt and control of the DD 1544 Form. At the