1-5. Dining Facility Meal Schedule
The dining facility meal schedule describes serving and eating times, weekend
and holiday meals, brunch and supper meals, and midnight meals. Refer to the
following paragraphs for details.
The serving and eating time for full-service dining facilities is 90 minutes. The
Serving and
installation commander approves or disapproves all requests to deviate
eating time
permanently from the 90-minute serving period. The installation commander also
approves the operating hours of the short-order, the fast food, and the specialty
dining facilities. Base operating hours on the--
Number of diners.
Size and type of the facility.
Work or training schedules.
Distance between the facility and the duty station.
Normally, schedule three meals for service each day. On weekends and
Weekend and
holidays, you may serve these meals over two extended serving periods instead of
holiday meals
the three regular-length periods. This procedure permits a diner to consume three
meals if he desires. Identify the type of the meal that you serve as shown on the
headcount forms. For example, the breakfast meal cutoff time occurs when the
first lunch item is served. Ensure that meal rates and the monetary credit for the
dining facility account for three meals are as specified for breakfast, lunch, and
The installation commander may authorize brunch and supper meals. If so,
Brunch and
allow the following meal conversion percentages. The percentage value of the
supper meals
brunch meal is 45 percent of the basic daily food allowance (BDFA). The supper
meal is 55 percent of the BDFA.
Depending on a unit's mission, the installation commander may authorize the
Midnight meals
serving of a midnight meal to personnel who are unable to attend the normal
breakfast or dinner. Most of those who receive subsistence must be authorized
subsistence in kind (SIK).
Continued on next page